Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

1. What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?
I am most nervous about the research involved in the projects.  Not only do I have to research my topics, but I also need to research the different genres and become familiar and comfortable with them for each project.  I need to make sure I don't procrastinate and leave enough time for myself.

2. What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?
I am excited about the reflective self-assessment assignment.  Mostly because this will be the last assignment of the year, but also because I am excited to see how I grow as a writer and student in this class.  None of the projects seem like easy projects and each will require me to step out of the traditional English essay comfort zone.

3. Based on your understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? How will the coursework described in the four project assignment sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?
I have to plan what genre I want to assign to each project and what equipment I will need for the project.  This will force me to plan ahead in regards to what subject I want my project to be centered around.  Since I’m unfamiliar with 3 out of the 4 genres, I will have to research more about each genre and decide which I think will be most successful for each project.  This will force me to plan ahead for the assignments and not procrastinate.    

4. How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?
My senior year I took AP Literature and Composition and it was pretty challenging.  My teacher encouraged us to be more independent writers and students so I’m used to having to assess my own work and manage my time on my own.  My junior year English teacher was like this too.  I became more of a self-dependent student in general after I took these courses.  Because of this, I don’t need to be constantly reminded about due dates, and I can typically answer my own questions about the assignments and navigate through the course on my own.  

5. Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?

No, nothing comes to mind.


            It is comforting knowing that everyone is going out of their comfort zone on many of these projects.  In Jack Auslen's post, I related with his apprehension regarding some of the less familiar genres.  A majority of the class has little experience with genres like video essays and podcasts.  Knowing that everyone will be challenged, I can only hope that we can all help each other navigate through the unfamiliar genres through out the semester.  I also agree with Jacob Cabrejas  the research that is going to be required to be successful in most of these projects leaves me apprehensive, but also comforts me to know everyone is just as nervous as me.     


  1. Alex,

    I enjoyed how honest you were in your post, I waited a little last minute as well... I don't think I admitted that in my posts, though, I just let the time stamp give that away haha. This class is definitely not like any I've taken before, and time management seems super crucial for everyone- I think it'll be enjoyable, even parts of researching, if you find a topic that's worthwhile. I noticed you're a pre-nursing major, there's def tons of controversial events that you might actually care to educate yourself on so basically don't be too nervous about the research :)

  2. Hi Alex,

    I appreciated your excitement to improve on your writing and to step out of your comfort zone. It's great to see someone put a positive spin on this experience. The feelings of apprehension are mutual, and you mirrored some of my concerns, as well.

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
