Thursday, March 10, 2016

Production Schedule

Schedule and writing down the work I need to do for a project has proven very helpful for me.  It keeps me on track and allows me be aware of where I am at in a project's progress.
Gentaur. "Schedule". 07/06/09 via wikimedia.
Public Domain
1)    At home during spring break (next week). Work on body and start gathering evidence and analysis.  Just get a good start. Start writing down what I am going to say.
2)    Week coming back finish body and start recording. Finish by middle of the week
3)     Do intro and conclusion and record.
4)    Last week go over and start editing add in what I need.
5)    Have peers review my podcast and give me criticisms.

6)    Polish and add finishing touches at least 2 days before release.

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