Friday, March 25, 2016

Production Report 8a and 8b

I am doing a podcast for this project.  I am never done one so I am very nervous for this.

  1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

    I thought that since I would be interviewing professionals in nursing, it could be cool to have them in my podcast. I am still very unfamiliar with this genre, but it is an all auditory genre so I thought that having good audio from my interviewees could be helpful.
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

It was very difficult getting stated. At the beginning of the project, I was very unsure of what the project's main idea was. The interview process was difficult because I had to go back for follow up interviews with both of my interviewees because I didn't get the information i needed for the project.


Outline: Body (Twitter)
2) Social Media: A more modern form of communication.

  • Not all professionals find them helpful

Purpose: reaching younger audiences and interacting with others
Credibility: the persona professionals display

Adaptation of outline:

·      Twitter

Only Jane Carrington was active on social media. Dr. Carrington currently a professor at the University of Arizona.

How did you find this genre different from other genres?

Most younger people use these sites and are very active on them.  This is an informal way to communicate with students, a very important way for her to communicate with students and keep in touch. 

What makes this genre more effective than other genres?

Social media is not necessarily a better or more effective way of communication, but Dr. Carrington explained that it was an extremely helpful tool in keeping her students informed and also building.

On Twitter, it seems that Dr. Carrington informs her classes about current events occurring in the nursing field or tweets links to interesting articles.  Her online persona is very informal and humorous.  This is a good way for her to build relationships with her students.  She explained that technology has been a building block in a more efficient nursing environment.  Not only has technology influenced her teaching, but also technology is something she believes can greatly change the efficiency of patient care.


(nice music) Talk about how vital communication between nurses is very important in this field. New topics being discussed in my field.

2 major forms of communication: Journals and online interactive sources like twitter and linkedin.


Intro: *catchy music

In the nursing field, technology has greatly advanced.  As technology has advanced so have forms of communication.  More traditional forms of communication include journals and articles whereas more modern forms include social media sites like twitter. I interviewed two professionals at the University of Arizona and both gave interesting feedback on their methods of communication within members of their fields, peers, students, or patients.

Thesis: The genre of professional writing changes between the audience trying to be reached and the method the author is trying to reach the audience by.

“My name is Alex Vergara and I have investigated 2 genres commonly used in nursing.  Journals have been the most commonly and longest used form for professionals in nursing to communicate.  In more recent years, social media sites have become more popular and more effective ways of communication.”

RRZEicons. "Report". 5/17/10 via wikimedia. Creative Commons

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