Thursday, May 5, 2016

Production Reports

Audience Questions
  1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I thought it would be cool to take my audience through my writing process as I went on. I was very unsure of what to do for my video essay because I was so unfamiliar with it. Since a video essay is all visual and auditory I wanted to narrate my writing process and show it from my perspective
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

It was hard to do the project and film me doing it at the same time. I would often forget about what I need to film. I should have planned that out better.

Author Response
Production 14a
Opening section:
·      Video: Me just starting my project (clips of my usual routine)
o   I plug my ears phones in and play my Spotify playlist
o   Look for the revised schedule and start looking at blog posts
o   I get overwhelmed and go on Facebook, Twitter, and text or go on snap chat.
·      Speaking: When I actually muster up the motivation to start a project that I know will take more of my time than I’d like I’m pretty motivated. I play good music, start looking at the project, and go to my blog. I realize how much work it will be and get overwhelmed. My writing process is a combination of procrastination, 2 late nights of 4 weeks of work, and a breakdown. My writing process can be summed up as a mess. 

Here is a working link to my Opening section outline
Production Report 14b.

Main sections: 2 late nights 4 weeks of work
·      Video: Me at the library all night working on project (very focused) switching seats a lot and a lot of music. I get Starbucks probably 3 times. (evidence)
·      Speaking: As a consequence of my terrible procrastination process, I cram about 4 weeks of work into 2 nights. Granted the work I produce is pretty good for how much I cram into two days; this is still a horrible habit.  When I am stressed about something too much, I just won’t do it.  This happens especially in English. I’m not a bad writer at all when I work hard and put a lot of effort into my work, but English is something I have a love hate relationship with.  I hate writing because of the amount of work I have to put into it, but I love when I finish and get to read the essay or project I just finished and am proud of it.
·      Shows my getting into my writing process
·      Proves I have the motivation I just don’t motivate myself at the right times.

Here is a working link to one of my main sections. Watch times 1:57-2:55.

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