Thursday, May 5, 2016

Production Schedule

Audience Question: How are you going to manage your time and get everything done next week?

I think I've managed my time pretty well this project. I was doing project 3 and the final project these past two weeks and I've been working on a little of each every day. I started planning what I wanted to do for this project the day after it was assigned and went from there.

Author Response
Make a schedule that tracks everything you need to accomplish during production.

Please include the following categories:
  • What is to be done: I need to do to make the videos for this project ASAP. This will be the most time consuming since I've never done a video essay and putting everything together will be difficult.
  • Location: Library, my room, and Starbucks are the main places I want to film right now
  • Planned date & time: While im doing my writing process so as I do my video essay.
  • Resources required: My phone and iMovie
  • Date completed: Thursday May 5, 2016
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why: N/a (have to see till after I start filming)

Opening section:

  • (Monday after my last class) Start with me getting my Starbucks before I go to the library.
  • Film the opening scene
  • Go home and do the voice over
  • (Monday after filming voice overs) Have gaby (roommate) film me cleaning the room/packing
  • Film me logging onto to Netflix
  • (Tuesday night) Me "working" on project all night in library
  • record voice
  • (Wednesday or Thursday night) Film my usual breakdown half way through the project
  • have voive over for this already done
  • Do all editing on Thursday

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