Sunday, February 28, 2016

Academic Discourse & Genre

A lot of scholarly journals are found online so it was hard to find popular ones in the library that they actually had physical copies of.

1. How many different kinds of genres seem to be published in this particular issue of the journal you selected? (Remember, genres are usually identifiable by their form, content, techniques and/or social function.)

For the Clinics of North America Journal, there is a copy online I found, but there doesn’t seem to be any other genre it is in.

2. If you don't know the 'official' names for these different genres, come up with names for the yourself. Identify at least three different genres within the journal issue and describe the significant formal differences between the three genres (that is, what are the key differences or characteristics that seem to be unique and distinguish them from other kinds of texts?). If you made up your own name, explain why you chose the name you invented. If you'd like, provide snapshots of the different genres (clearly labelled) to help your reader see how they look different (or are organized differently, with different conventions) on the page.

The book only is separated in sections making the content easier to find and read.  This is like an online or E-book.  The difference between this and the physical journal is the ease it took me to find something in the e-book compared to the actual journal.

3. Now come up with your own definition for each genre (using the name you coined, if you weren't sure what the 'official' name is for the genre). Be sure to explain what you perceive to be the purpose of each genre and how each genre might meet the needs and expectations of a target audience.

An E-book is an online book that allows you to find and search information more easily.  I think the target audience is for students who want to have access to these journals but don’t want to have to go to the library or buy a physical copy of the journal.

My Major

The nursing field is an extremely popular field of study, especially for young, female college students.  I have been pretty certain about this career choice for awhile.  The sciences have always been something I enjoyed, and outside influences have really helped me decide on this career choice.
Health/Medical. 04/15/12 via pixaby.
Public Domain

1.   What do students in your program or department learn how to do?

Nursing students focus on the science courses.  Currently, I am taking second semester chemistry and next year I am taking bio and anatomy.  Nursing students learn about the human body and their functions and caring for patients both mentally and physically.

2.            What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?

After graduating with a nursing degree, post-grads mostly get jobs as registered nurses. Others go on to get higher degrees in nurses and become physician’s assistant or nurse practitioners.  Other jobs common for those with a degree in nursing teaching, nursing informatics, and nursing administrator.

3.            What drew you to this field?

When I was a younger and lived at home, my grandparents lived with my family and me.  We were always in and out of hospitals because my grandparents were constantly sick or had health problems.  I rarely would ever remember the doctors and sometimes would not even recall seeing them ever.  I always knew that my grandparents stay at the hospital depended on the nurses they had. 

One hospital visit my grandpa had a terrible nurse.  Not that the nurse was incompetent; however, the nurse gave off an unpleasant attitude, which is not something patients or their families need during difficult times.  My grandma was a nurse before she retired and she would always tell me stories about how she treated every patient like they were apart of her family.  My grandma was an extremely successful nurse and very popular amongst patients.  This has always stuck with me and something I wanted to bring to this field.  My grandparents were huge influences on my future career choice.

4.            Name three of the leaders/most exciting people involved in this field right now in 2016. Why are they interesting or exciting to you? These could be individual people or specific companies, organizations, businesses or non-profits. Hyperlink us to a homepage professional website for each person, if possible.

Three leaders in the nursing field are facilities like Ensign Group, Genesis Healthcare, and Golden Living.  Ensign Group interested me because it is a major facility from California--where I am from.  It is a rehabilitation center for the elderly.  Genesis Healthcare is the number 1 healthcare facility.  Golden Living is another high ranking healthcare facility in America.

5.            What are the names of three leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3. (HINT: If you have no idea what the answer to this question is, try Googling “What are the top academic journals in [insert field of study]?” and peruse the results). Make the titles of each journal into a working hyperlink to the website for that publication. (NOTE: if your links aren’t included or don’t work or if the page it directs us to is blocked from public view, I will not be able to assign you full credit for this exercise).

Three leading scholarly journals in the nursing field:
·      Published in Philadelphia, PA

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

Most of the major nursing journals were only accessible online.  The Nursing Clinics of North America was the only available journal in the Health and Sciences Library on campus.

1.   Who are the authors/speakers published in this specific issue of the academic journal you've selected? How many different authors are published here? What do you know - or can you find out - about these people? How are the authors/speakers portrayed in the journal issue? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 

There are twenty-one different authors in Nursing Clinics of South America: Patient Education.  Some of these authors Roy Batterham, Kathleen Walsh Esper, Jeffery Gordon, and Susan M. Hasenau.  

2.   Who is the intended audience for this particular journal issue? How can you tell? Are there any secondary audiences included here? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers.

Nursing students or current nurses are the intended audience.  Teaching nursing students and nurses how to properly care for the patient is pivotal in building successful nurses.

3.   What is the context surrounding this particular journal issue? How does this affect the content of the journal? (See the bulleted questions on Student's Guide page 180 for specific questions about context). Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 

This journal was published in 2011 and is about patient education.  This means the journal focuses on how to properly care for the patient.  This is important because patient care is essential to the nursing field.   

4.   What is the overall message of the journal issue? How did you decide this? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 

The overly message is about how caring for the patients mental and physically needs are equally important.  The patients’ needs come first.

5.   What purpose is the journal issue trying to achieve? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 

To emphasize the importance of patient care for nurses.

My Interviewees on Social Media

Social media is currently rising in the the popularity of way nurses communicate with other nursing, students, and communities.  Many nursing professors have adopted social media sites to communicate with the more technologically based generation.
LinkedIn "LinkedIn Logo". 3/10/11 via wikimedia.
Public Domain

1.   What are the names of each interviewee and which social media networks were you able to find each of them on?

I found Dr. Carrington on Twitter and LinkedIn, and I couldn’t find Dr. Daly on any social media sites.

2.   How would you describe each interviewee's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.

On twitter, Dr. Carrington is very involved with the students and the nursing program.  She retweets a lot of the UA nursing accounts tweets and tags the account in a lot of her tweets.  I think a lot of her tweets are directed at certain nursing classes.  She seems to be very active in student nursing classes.  On her LinkedIn profile, she talks about how she wants to improve nurse-to-nurse communication.

3.   Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.2). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal? Be specific and cite details from both the journal and the social media posts you discovered.

Social media sites are a good way to communicate informally with those researching nursing.  She takes on a less formal persona on her twitter account which allows her to connect to her students more.  Her article regarding the framework of nurse-to-nurse communication is a more formal way of relaying her teaching.  For example, she takes on a more formal tone: “The purpose of this article was to describe the process of developing a conceptual framework using the process of theory derivation using integrated tenets from symbolic theory…”.  On Twitter, she is far less formal: “#RiddleMeThis #NURS751 One thing you will do to increase health literacy for your pts and increase pt engagement in your practice?”