Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

Social media is currently rising in the the popularity of way nurses communicate with other nursing, students, and communities.  Many nursing professors have adopted social media sites to communicate with the more technologically based generation.
LinkedIn "LinkedIn Logo". 3/10/11 via wikimedia.
Public Domain

1.   What are the names of each interviewee and which social media networks were you able to find each of them on?

I found Dr. Carrington on Twitter and LinkedIn, and I couldn’t find Dr. Daly on any social media sites.

2.   How would you describe each interviewee's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.

On twitter, Dr. Carrington is very involved with the students and the nursing program.  She retweets a lot of the UA nursing accounts tweets and tags the account in a lot of her tweets.  I think a lot of her tweets are directed at certain nursing classes.  She seems to be very active in student nursing classes.  On her LinkedIn profile, she talks about how she wants to improve nurse-to-nurse communication.

3.   Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.2). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal? Be specific and cite details from both the journal and the social media posts you discovered.

Social media sites are a good way to communicate informally with those researching nursing.  She takes on a less formal persona on her twitter account which allows her to connect to her students more.  Her article regarding the framework of nurse-to-nurse communication is a more formal way of relaying her teaching.  For example, she takes on a more formal tone: “The purpose of this article was to describe the process of developing a conceptual framework using the process of theory derivation using integrated tenets from symbolic theory…”.  On Twitter, she is far less formal: “#RiddleMeThis #NURS751 One thing you will do to increase health literacy for your pts and increase pt engagement in your practice?” 

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