Sunday, February 28, 2016

Academic Discourse & Genre

A lot of scholarly journals are found online so it was hard to find popular ones in the library that they actually had physical copies of.

1. How many different kinds of genres seem to be published in this particular issue of the journal you selected? (Remember, genres are usually identifiable by their form, content, techniques and/or social function.)

For the Clinics of North America Journal, there is a copy online I found, but there doesn’t seem to be any other genre it is in.

2. If you don't know the 'official' names for these different genres, come up with names for the yourself. Identify at least three different genres within the journal issue and describe the significant formal differences between the three genres (that is, what are the key differences or characteristics that seem to be unique and distinguish them from other kinds of texts?). If you made up your own name, explain why you chose the name you invented. If you'd like, provide snapshots of the different genres (clearly labelled) to help your reader see how they look different (or are organized differently, with different conventions) on the page.

The book only is separated in sections making the content easier to find and read.  This is like an online or E-book.  The difference between this and the physical journal is the ease it took me to find something in the e-book compared to the actual journal.

3. Now come up with your own definition for each genre (using the name you coined, if you weren't sure what the 'official' name is for the genre). Be sure to explain what you perceive to be the purpose of each genre and how each genre might meet the needs and expectations of a target audience.

An E-book is an online book that allows you to find and search information more easily.  I think the target audience is for students who want to have access to these journals but don’t want to have to go to the library or buy a physical copy of the journal.

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