Friday, May 6, 2016

Content Outline (project 3)

This is the most at ease I felt with all 4 of the genres. I'm most familiar with the essay form so I'm not as stressed.

Audience Question: How are you going to organize your project?

I'm doing and essay for my public argument. For my first main paragraph im going to talk about how the pay gap is prevalent and show the lack of understanding of those who oppose ending it. I'm going to talk about popular issues in the news that deal with unequal pay (US soccer team and US tennis players). Discuss why this is not just a women's issue.

Author Response
Make an outline of your Project 2 plans. Include and clearly label each of the following:
  • An opening section:
                Thesis: Gender should be a contributing factor in a person’s salary.

    At least 3 main body sections:
    1)    Equal Pay Act. Gender Pay gap is not a product of men in higher paying jobs.
    ·      Video of State rep (lack of understanding of cause of pay gap)
    ·      Women only make as much as men in 3 categories (there is a consistent lack of equal pay)
    2)    US Soccer team: produce more revenue then men’s
    ·      World cup viewings (in higher demand)
    ·      Bring in $2million more than the men’s (producing more profit)
    3)    Women’s tennis: debate that they shouldn’t be paid equal because match length
    ·      In higher demand (women us open final match more viewers)
    ·      Women’s tennis is more popular (higher demand and more revenue)
    4)    Not just a women’s issue: effects everyone directly and indirectly
    ·      47% of workforce is women (effects economy)
    ·      families are affected.  Total income and total savings decrease.
    A closing section:
                America’s principle of protecting everyone’s right to equal opportunity.  

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