Thursday, May 5, 2016

Content Outline

Audience Question: How are you going to organize your project?

For my final project I am going to do a video essay. Since the final project is about my process while making my english projects, I'm going to make my video essay the step by step process of me making it.

Author Response
Opening section:
·      Video: Me just starting my project (clips of my usual routine)
o   I plug my ears phones in and play my Spotify playlist
o   Look for the revised schedule and start looking at blog posts
o   I get overwhelmed and go on Facebook, Twitter, and text or go on snap chat.
·      Speaking: When I actually muster up the motivation to start a project that I know will take more of my time than I’d like I’m pretty motivated. I play good music, start looking at the project, and go to my blog. I realize how much work it will be and get overwhelmed. My writing process is a combination of procrastination, 2 late nights of 4 weeks of work, and a breakdown. My writing process can be summed up as a mess.

Main sections: Procrastination
·      Video: Me on Facebook and the time I start and finish. (evidence) Videos of me texting, snap chatting, going back on Facebook, going on Netflix, going out, etc. (evidence)
·      Speaking: Unfortunately, this is the beginning of my writing process. I had a lot to keep me occupied this project because I’m currently moving out. Typically, when I have something I don’t want to do I will do things like clean my room, work out, or do other homework so I feel productive and think I can relax afterwards.
·      Shows the beginning of my writing process and my biggest weakness
·      Proves a big part of my writing process is procrastination (I will procrastinate as long as possibly)

Main sections: 2 late nights 4 weeks of work
·      Video: Me at the library all night working on project (very focused) switching seats a lot and a lot of music. I get Starbucks probably 3 times. (evidence)
·      Speaking: As a consequence of my terrible procrastination process, I cram about 4 weeks of work into 2 nights. Granted the work I produce is pretty good for how much I cram into two days; this is still a horrible habit.  When I am stressed about something too much, I just won’t do it.  This happens especially in English. I’m not a bad writer at all when I work hard and put a lot of effort into my work, but English is something I have a love hate relationship with.  I hate writing because of the amount of work I have to put into it, but I love when I finish and get to read the essay or project I just finished and am proud of it.
·      Shows my getting into my writing process
·      Proves I have the motivation I just don’t motivate myself at the right times.

Main section: Breakdown
·      Video: Me having a mental breakdown halfway through (evidence) but pulling it together and getting it done (evidence).
·      Speaking: This is guaranteed to happen. I’m cramming weeks of work into 2 nights so a breakdown is reasonable.  About halfway through the project at 2am after working for 4 straight hours, I realize I am only halfway done. I like to think of this as the climax of my writing process.  Sometimes there are tears if it’s a really bad day but often times I just stare at my computer screen with tired eyes in disbelief about how much longer I will have to stay up.  I contemplate stopping and finishing in the morning but I know I’ve put the project off for too long and won’t allow myself to anymore. 
·      Shows the consequences of the weakness in my writing process
·      Important part of my process because no matter how bad I am about projects and time management I get to a point where I make myself do that work no matter how bad I want to stop.

Closing Section:
·      Video: Sending my project in and going to bed exhausted.
·      Speaking: This is the end of my writing process and my favorite part. There is nothing I like more than spending so long on a project and turning it in.  I wish I didn’t procrastinate so much so this part would come sooner, but still this moment isn’t less rewarding.  Getting into my bed after working on a project for two straight nights is so rewarding.  This semester I have learned a lot about myself. I will get something done that needs to be done on my own time. This is a bad habit of mine and one I need to work on. I was really disappointed in myself this semester; however, I know what I need to work on and I also am more aware of what I like about my writing process.  If I can motivate myself as much as I do on the days I do my project, writing would be so much easier.    
Significance: My writing process says a lot about me.  This class has forced me to look at my shortcomings and want to better myself and learn to motivate myself at the right times.    

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